Category Archives: March For Our Lives

March For Our Lives Boston 2018

“If I Die In A School Shooting, Lay My Body On The Steps Of Capitol Hill.”

Cry of the students 

On March 24, 2018 I joined the March For Our Lives student protest march in Boston. The march was inspired by student survivors of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida that left 17 people dead. The Boston march was organized by local students and it began at Madison Park Technical Vocational High School in Roxbury, wound its way through the neighborhoods and on to the Boston Common.  

This is the third march I’ve gone on since Trump and his nation-less cohorts muscled their way into power. Trump and of his gang of thugs, have already stolen over a trillion dollars with their “Tax Breaks” benefiting the oligarchs. Now they have the lame idea to arm teachers and bring the disease of violence, hate and paranoia deeper into our schools. This abhorrent idiocy was universally rejected by the crowd. My own idea is that there are no “good guys” with guns. Guns are made to kill people in order for the manufacturers and distributors to make money.

But the students of March For Our lives did not invite the adult population to join them on the podium except for a few trusted teachers. They organized, marched and spoke for themselves. I gladly honor their capabilities and invite them to speak through their presence and their signs in my photos that follow. The youth of our nation are the future of civilization and I pray that they, in the wisdom of idealism, will put the brakes on the death machine who only wants to steal all the money and set Mother Earth on fire to cover their tracks.  












A small gaggle of counter-protesters calling themselves “Resist Marxism” grumbled and growled at the crowd after infiltrating the march. I heard one of them screech incoherently about bloody tampons and one of their signs read, “suck my dick ” (see below)  Here they are surrounded by a circle of Boston bicycle cops who were in turn were surrounded by Veterans For Peace. As soon as the Students started their speeches this motley bunch, seething with hate, started shouting trying to disrupt the rally with megaphones and yelling. As a result, the police swiftly escorted them off the Common.

Counter-protesters hiding behind mangled versions of the Second Amendment.

Counter-protesters hiding behind masks, afraid that they will be exposed for who they are

Looking into the eyes of a poisonous snake

Any idiot can destroy and kill. It takes intelligence and the great effort of cooperation to give birth and create!

 Click here to see more photos of the March For Our Lives